Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 0: Zodiac

Schooner Zodiac Adventure.
Day 0.

I haven't even started my exciting Schooner Zodiac adventure yet and I already know several things I need to do in order to improve it for the next time. (because I can't see how I can possibly not do this again. Sort of like kissing Marianne Schumann that first time 40 years ago).

So here is the deal, this place (Bellingham) is a good deal further north than I had thought. So far north that the exit sign says “Get off here if you don't have a passport”. So the trip here was a bit longer than I had anticipated. Someone should make a software program (which I will call an "ap") that talks to some kind of global information and data “network” that would allow a person to log in to something called “giggle maps” that would tell you how far away things are. Sorry, I know that is far-fetched but I am working on one of my way out there science fiction stories. 

Anyway, I get here and find out that my hotel is cleverly hidden behind the Fred Meyer (I thought it was IN the Fred Meyer there for awhile, I mean, they do have everything) but it was just out back.

It is a nice enough place. I love how these more northern destination hotels have the windows sort of facing in at the inside pool and hot tub. I guess that really hot locations (like Phoenix) do the same. OK, so any hotels that are in locations that have the same atmospheric conditions as non-earth planets. Still, the place has a great bar (for singles over 60) and good food at the restaurant. They also had maps for me for “downtown”.

This town was originally put on the map by a long list of failures. At first, all of the land had been bought because this was going to be the “pacific end of the Railroad”. That didn't happen and the place failed. Then this guy built a coal mine. That failed. Then a fishing town. That failed. Anyway, there are a lot of nice old buildings and such left over from the failures and I guess tourists are coming here now. There is a big Train Station (never saw one of those before) and the terminal for the cruise ships to Alaska (never saw one those before either). And a fun downtown filled with young people with tattoos and guitars (Those I have seen before).

Why are all of the cute young women flirting with me? Do I still look like Bruce Willis? I have hair, Damnit !!.

Anyway, having to leave large tips aside, this is a pretty nice little town. I am amazed at the number of places selling Beads and Pottery. Seems like that is almost as popular as beer and food. I guess that is just the deal with any little artist colony. The artists keep trying to sell stuff. Or they become Gardeners and sell food to the other artists.

I arrived on Wednesday Market in Fairhaven (a district of Belingham). What a fun little spot. The usually things being sold at market, a live music performance, and children swirling in the sunshine. I had a beer and a great time.

Secret iPhone Shot

Was Bank. Now, Negligee store. Still have to put in money.

Doctor Who is visiting

And realized what I had done wrong.
Here is what the ultimate plan for a sailing vacation should entail:

  1. make reservations at the Fairhaven Inn for the night before you trip leaves. You are a short walk to the docks where lies the Schooner Zodiac.
  2. Ride the Train from Portland. It is like $80 and lets you enjoy the entire trip up. And the train station is IN BETWEEN the hotel and the Pier. A 5 minute walk in either direction. How cool is that?
  3. Since you don't have a car, enjoy walking around Fairhaven and having many more beers than I allowed myself. Perhaps follow (what I assume to be the old train track now walking) trail into Belingham proper. For no good reason. Just a pretty walk, And you get to see this park.




I enjoyed my little walk around Fairhaven. And I dropped by the Zodiac and yelled “ahoy Zodiac” at the crew. 


They all wear just brown shorts and tans (well, except for the young lady. She had on white shorts). They ahoyed my back and were nice to me and assured me that I could bring my laptop. They were excited that I might be a “journalist” and have some “wine”. I had to let them down saying that I was only a computer designer and thus was carrying Whiskey.  (Updating this a few weeks later I can tell you that these guys were actually the interns. Not the normal crew. So my first vision of life aboard Zodiac was a bit skewed. Guess I didn't have to go out and buy those brown shorts at Fred Meyer after all. JNP)

Oh well. Perhaps I can teach them some MIT drinking songs.

Do you know this one?

Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride.
Her thought to show the countrymen her fine and tawny white hide.
The most observant man to see, an engineer of course.
Was the only one to notice that Godiva rode a horse.


We are we are we are we are
We are the Engineers.
We can we can we can we can
Demolish Forty Beers.
Drink Rum Drink Rum Drink Rum all day,
and come along with us.
For we don't give a damn, for any old man.
That don't give a damn for us.

Said the lady I've come a long long way. And I will go as far.
With the man that takes me from this steed and leads me to a Bar.
The man that took her from her horse, and lead her to a beer.
Was a bleary eyed surveyor and a drunken engineer.

I feel much better now. I wonder if I can play that on my Ukelele?

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